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Der Schwede Offline

Beiträge: 25

04.06.2016 16:46
The Green Pack (1934) Zitat · Antworten

Aus dem Begleittext:

In addition to cinema shorts, many cinema feature films were also released in the UK on the 9.5mm 'home movie' film gauge by Pathescope. Generally the features were shortened to four, five or six reels.

Here is a 1934 Edgar Wallace thriller entitled "The Green Pack", directed by T. Hayes Hunter and starring John Stuart, Aileen Marson and Gary Marsh. It is a production from the 1930s British Lion company, originally formed to film Edgar Wallace thrillers. Their total 1930s film output is virtually all 'lost' on the 35mm cinema format (supposedly a direct hit during the war on their temporary film store of original material and cinema prints) Many of these features and shorts do still survive, (the features drastically cut though), on the 9.5mm 'home movie' film gauge.

This was Edgar Wallace's last play (1932) - he died just after the London opening. This is the story of three gold mining prospectors who discover their backer is a rogue. They use a pack of cards to decide who will kill him. The 9.5mm print, released in March 1939, runs for 43 minutes, heavily cut from the original film which ran for 72 minutes.

"They Survive On Ninefive"

More about 9.5mm films at:

Der Schwede Offline

Beiträge: 25

04.06.2016 16:54
#2 RE: The Green Pack (1934) Zitat · Antworten

Es scheint also, als ob die Deutschen während des Krieges die meisten Edgar Wallace - Filme vernichtet haben, wenn auch unfreiwillig...

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